doctor who

Get out your 3D specs

Well, I’ve been tinkering around in 3D for awhile now, and the idea of doing a red-cyan anaglyph seemed like fun, surprisingly it was very easy, and very effective.

Rose - review

Doctor Who 2005 Episode 1 - Rose The Review The first episode of Doctor Who in a good long time. It was good, but it should have been better than good, it should have been excellent. And let me be clear it is not the effects or the acting, or the sets that I had Rose - review


Just the other day I hooked my 10 year old Newton up to my mac and copied all the old files that were on it off. I’ve not used this thing for almost 8 or so years, and I’ve been sifting through some of the old stories I wrote on it. Most of them are Twodle

demat tests

Two very similar TARDIS demats here. This first one is a 3D fade out, look closely and you can see the back windows of the Police Box as it fades away. (Quicktime, MPEG 4, 2.4 MB) This one is more for reference, this is the classic dissolve trick, even if in the show it meant demat tests