buffy the vampire slayer

The last Buffy… ever.

Less than a day now remains until the final episode of Buffy is screened. And I guess I have to admit it. I really admire and appreciate the show. It has been the only show over the last few years to keep me interested in television in anything more than a passing fashion. I realise The last Buffy… ever.

A Slayer that can sing, this I gotta see.

Warm up your credit cards folks, its here: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Once More, With Feeling Or it will be soon. And just as soon as I can get my hands on it I can stick it in my CD player, glue the tray shut, hit play and repeat, and crack the volume to 11.

Best yet

Well, Buffy is over for another year, and wowwed my socks off again. Some early predicitions about what this year would hold have come to pass, others not. Damn fine episode.

Buffy wow mode

With the season final on tonight I’m in the usual Buffy mode, going out for drink and dinner with a bunch of like minded friends (and friends of friends).

Time slip

One of my sisters bought Buffy, Season 3 on DVD today. So I’ll be Buffying for the next few days on and off. I think mostly because I caught up with Richard today, during the day, I had the feeling that it was mostly Saturday. I wander what that will do to tomorrow. Maybe I’ll Time slip