
Star Trek

So I went and saw Star Trek again, but this time I saw it in the pseudo IMAX that Hoyts is pushing hard at the moment. Its not ‘real’ IMAX. The screen is not 4 storeys tall. Its not worth an extra $5. What I think this is what we should get for the over-the-top Star Trek

Samson and Delilah

This movie is completely deserving of the praise it has been getting from the critics and the audience. See it on the big screen if you can. But be warned, its raw and hard going, but worth it. Seen @ Academy Twin, Paddington, Australia

Star Trek

Seen @ Hoyts, Broadway, Australia With Salv

Star Trek

Seen @ Reading Cinema, Market City, Haymarket, Australia


Seen @ Verona, Paddington, Australia


Seen @ Academy Twin, Paddington, Australia

The Spirit

Seen @ Hoyts, Broadway, Australia With Salv


There are so many many things about this film that are bad… where to start. Plot, acting, special effects, music, lighting, art direction, historical accuracy… this movie has NONE of these things at all. Seen @ Reading Cinema, Market City, Haymarket, Australia