
New apple store

Finally there is an official Apple store in Sydney. A shop where ‘just looking’ is a perfectly acceptable reason for being there and the staff will leave you alone if that is what you want.A place where ‘just after some info’ is treated the same as ‘i want to buy lots’.I wasn’t expecting to have New apple store

iTunes icon evolution

SoundJam MP - the program that Apple bought and reworked in order to make iTunes in the first place. iTunes 1 iTunes 2 iTunes 3 iTunes 4 iTunes 5 iTunes 6 iTunes 7

Apple changes the world (again)

So Apple has done it again, changed the world. And in classic Apple style they’ve changed the world in the “here is some kewl new stuff that no body else does very well, now watch as our competitors scramble to make cheap copies and pretend they came up with the idea first” kind of way. Apple changes the world (again)

10 years?

What computer were you using 10 years ago? Think back to 1993 and work it out. In that time I would have been using a Mac Classic which for the time was old even then (after all that model was first produced in October 1991!). A friend of mine had a Mac LC III and 10 years?

iTunes for everyone???

Well, this is an interesting turn. <a href=” class=”external” target=”_blank”>iTunes is now avaialbe for windows… and it looks good to. Oh an by that I don’t just mean that it literally looks goods, but that it appears to be a good, solid peice of software. And I’m thinking the best music playing jukebox software for iTunes for everyone???

Out of focus

Ever since my computer was taken, I’ve been running on automatic, going to work, going to uni, going home again. Its like I lack the desire to do anything much at all. Not interested in going to the movies, or clubs, or pubs, or a walk in the park, or picking up a pen and Out of focus

Kudos to Alex

Kudos is due to Alex for suggesting that I might find OmniWeb more suitable for posting my blog entries. Aside from integration of Mac OS X’s built in spell checking system, OmniWeb also seems to behave better with the Greymatter CGI’s.