Okay, so the whole point of my little site here is for me to piss-fart about with HTML and various other ‘web technologies’. The lack of a client means I’m not all that concerned with ironing out all the bugs… at least not right away. Of the five browsers that run on my current system, two of them do an okay job of rendering the site near what I’m aiming for, none of them display my flash logo yet which seems a bit odd but I’ll get it sorted one day. My ultimate conclusion is that CSS can’t live up to the hype that surrounds it, it is impossible to render a page in HTML 4 Strict and have it look the same (and in many cases as good) as a page done in HTML 4 Trans. And it will be a long time before the good old table tag will no longer be needed. I’ve also reached a few of Greymatters limits, the next step there is to go digging through the perl code (thank the gods of open source), but I’m not sure if I could be bothered just yet… there are some “neat-o” things that I’d like to add but the question is ‘could I be arsed?’. There is much yet to play with, and the experiments continue.